Why Motivating Yourself Comes Before Anything Else

Are you motivated right now?

Before you answer, let's define what motivation means. It is such a simple word that gets used so often that it tends to lose its meaning. It is defined as a "motive for action."

So again, ask yourself, based on that definition, if you are motivated right now. Do you have a motive for what you are going to do today? Simply put, do you have a goal, direction, and purpose for what you plan to accomplish today?

If yes, then you are a motivated human being — right now.

You may find that you are a motivated person at this moment, but are you a motivational speaker?

Are you using speaking in the hopes of motivating other people into action?

Are you a thought leader that is trying to empower your audience to do something?

Experience has taught us that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. However, you can feed that horse salt, and he will drink on his own. The idea is simply this; you are in the business of feeding people salt to get them thirsty and let nature take its course.

You hear so many speakers talk about empowering their audience to do something. In reality, we have very little control over another person's mind and the action they take after hearing us speak. However, YOU CAN help others make new personal decisions and take new steps toward their goals. Yes, you can inspire people. You can shake up their thinking and plant the seeds that grow in their hearts and heads. However, they must take action. I suggest replacing the word "empower" with "educate," as that should really be your goal when speaking.

While you are tasked with educating your audience, motivation is an inside job. It is ultimately up to an individual to take action and be empowered to make changes. A speaker can provide inspiration and information, but individuals must listen and use their learning to take steps toward their goals.

The power of motivation comes from within. It is an internal drive to achieve a goal or accomplish something. Everyone has some level of internal motivation, but they do not always have access to it. It is your job to share your words of wisdom, your experience, and your insights and help others motivate themselves! Now go out and MAKE it a great day!


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